Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Last night's meeting was a social workshop where we enjoyed mince pies with coffee or tea and made "Angelina Angels" . These were a creation of Chairman Liz.

She had provided us all with a kit of bonded vylene, gold or silver fabric and pipe cleaner and a head. These she'd made from wired paper balls, covered with stocking and painted with gesso. (Liz deserves a medal since she'd made about 70 kits - not all for the Guild - some were for a stitching group she runs who were decorating a tree for a Christmas display.)

Liz demonstrated quickly how to construct the angel and there was much ribbing about her description of what she was doing. "Cobble" wasn't really an instruction we expected from a City and Guilds tutor!!

The design was a simple cone made from the vylene. The head was attached and then a dress made from the fabric. Liz did warn us to leave a big enough neck hole to accommodate the head but there were one or two groans as people realised that their hole was not going to go over the head. The wings were made by constructing a fabric from coloured Angelina which was then cut or folded into wing shapes and attached. The pipe cleaner made the halo and with some thread for hair and a crayoned face the angel was finished,

There was much hilarity as the personality of the angels began to appear and each one was unique. One angel abandoned it's halo in favour of a portable phone aerial! Several had distict lists and their expressions ranged from angelic to drunk.

All in all it was a very good evening and most of us took home an angel which we were going to embellish further.